Wiwat Suthiyam

Fantasy Suite, 1. Prologue

  Fantasy Suite, 1. Prologue  

6.95 USD

8.00 USD
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PDF, 1.83 Мб (9 стр.)


КомпозиторWiwat Suthiyam
Жанр Классика / Современная
Инструменты Фортепиано
Состав исполнителейСоло
Тип нотДля одного исполнителя
Тональность Си-бемоль минор
Время звучания 5'10"
Уровень сложности Средний уровень
Год создания 2013
Описание Fantasy Suite is inspired by the legend of Himmaparn forest which the idea from the old artist from the east. In the Himmaparn forest, it have many strange animal that you cannot imagine. This whole piece was separated by 30 short pieces and each piece have their own story. However, the story in each piece was connected by the whole piece from the beginning until the end. (The whole story is written by me. It is new story not the traditional one.) Actually, the whole concept is a Song Cycle and Program music. The performer and the audience can imagine the visual in your mind by your own idea from the music.


-Close you eyes and open your mind.
Himmaparn world is waiting forward.
The wind calling , whispering on your skin.
The leaves is flicking , the forest is shiver.
Sunshine at the horizon move up on the ocean.

Welcome Warrior... to your own adventure.

สายลมร้องเรียกหา กระซิบแผ่วบนผิวกาย
ใบไม้โบกสะบัด สะท้านทั้งผืนป่า
แสงตะวันปลายขอบฟ้า ตั้งตระหง่ากลางผืนน้ำ

Дата публикации 22 ноя 2013


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